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Lynne's Reading for Sure Tutoring started in 1999 after Lynne trained with World Literacy international as a Reading for Sure provider. When her daughter also trained as a provider they moved to the Oats Street office in Carlisle where up to 3 teachers can conduct one to one literacy sessions. In 2016, a move further up Oats St to a new office means we are able to help even more students with specific learning difficulties, dyslexia and also those needing help improve their literacy skills when English is their second language. 

Appointment availability can be scarce as good word of mouth publicity means there is often a waiting list. Parents who are very happy with our Reading for Sure program spread the word to friends and family so they too can achieve progress in literacy skills for their children.

Through parent requests we have also added maths tutoring sessions, either as part of the literacy session or as stand alone sessions.
Reading For Sure has been successfully remediating literacy since 1991. This program was designed by Dr. Julia Solomon, a Western Australian psychologist, who saw a great need for better literacy instruction for those children experiencing anxiety due to their literacy delay and stuggles at school. She used her extensive teaching experience and academic studies to devise the unique Solomon Method taught through the Reading for Sure program. 

Copyright 2012   Lynne's Reading for Tutoring.

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